Speaking out on today's marijuana

People from all backgrounds and all walks of life have been impacted by today’s marijuana. Teenagers, children, parents, teachers, activists– all of them have their stories. 

We want to share the powerful voices in our community to humanize the data behind marijuana prevention and inspire you to speak out and have an impact in your own community.


Morgan McCoy

Morgan McCoy is a Florida mom and medical marijuana user. After her 6 year old ate a relative’s THC gummy, believing it was candy, and was sent to the hospital, Morgan has spoken out for tighter restrictions on marijuana packaging and advertising.

“Had the packaging been what it should be… my daughter wouldn’t have looked twice at it.”


Whitney Yeager

When Whitney’s son Sammy tragically died after a terrifying THC-induced psychotic episode, she began to advocate for education surrounding marijuana and the potential mental health effects it can cause.

She created the Sammy Project, a travelling photo exhibit to honor her son destigmatizing mental health and helping participants take agency over their own struggles.

Jaylynn W.

Jaylynn W. is a member of the One Chance to Grow Up Youth Council from Bennett, CO. 

She is concerned with the false messages youth hear surrounding marijuana, and the lack of education and awareness of the issue in schools today. 


Winnie’s son was a normal, healthy teenager involved in clubs and sports, and an excellent student. However, when he started using marijuana, his family began to notice mental health symptoms develop to the point where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and attempted suicide. While he thankfully survived, he continues to deal with the ramifications of his suicide attempt and marijuana usage.