Alton Dillard, spokesperson, One Chance To Grow Up
(303) 929-7299
Nonprofit working to protect kids from marijuana exposure at event
DENVER, April 18, 2023 – Locally based nonprofit One Chance to Grow Up is spreading the word that the annual Civic Center Park event will be restricted to those ages 21 and above.
One Chance to Grow Up, started by parents to protect youth from marijuana commercialization, expressed concern last year after finding out that all ages were to be allowed at the 2022 festival, which promotes marijuana and has been characterized by widespread open consumption.
Under Colorado law, consumers must be ages 21 and over to purchase recreational marijuana products.
Last year, an online petition started by One Chance to Grow Up garnered nearly 500 signatures in support of the 21+ age restriction. In addition, a press conference hosted by Denver’s 5280 High School for students in recovery successfully brought attention to the problem of underage attendance at the 420 Festival.
Mile High 420 Festival organizers recently told One Chance to Grow Up – which is not involved in or connected to the event – that on-site security will manually check identification this year to confirm attendees are 21 or older.
Denver Public Schools data show that attendance is historically lower when the 420 Festival falls on a school day. DPS has notified parents that the 420 Festival was no place for kids.
In response to the concerns last year, the event organizers and Denver’s Office of Special Events encouraged only those 21 and over to attend the 2022 festival. Furthermore, they committed to making the free festival in Denver’s Civic Center Park limited to those ages 21+ starting in 2023.
Alton Dillard, the spokesperson for One Chance to Grow Up, said: “This policy reinforces both the law and a growing body of public health research: Marijuana use is harmful to young people, whose brains are still growing. This aligns Denver with other 420 events nationally that restrict attendance to those 21 or older. We are glad that the event organizers and the city agree that attendance should include only those who can legally consume recreational marijuana. We hope and expect that the age minimum will be strictly enforced.”